
Language: English 中文


KolaDB is a simple information storage service.

It is designed for storing basic objects with properties as key-value pairs, and the objects are belonging to collection, while a collection is of a cluster.

KolaDB accepts five kinds of actions, LIST, QUERY, EDIT, RENAME and DROP. Incoming actions are treated as a serial of atomic operations, so no transaction is considered.


KolaDB contains service daemon (a.k.a. server) and client. A server should be deployed first, then the client(s) might connect to it and work.

How to deploy a service daemon? It is easy. Clone the project, or download the release package and unarchive it, make a writable folder called runtime in it. Then, make the KolaDB.config.php file, which might be made after the sample file, and select one place to put it, in daemon folder or in /etc/KolaDB. Then run the daemon/KolaDBDaemon.php file with php command. The daemon would listen to the address and port.

For client side, just use the KolaDBSDK to connect and do actions.

Copyright 2018 Sinri Edogawa.