Sinri Mail Text Post

This Mac App just provides you a swift entrance to send simple emails through SMTP protocol.

Why not use a complete Mail Client? They are fat, and some POP3/IMAP servers work not so good with maxOS, such as cert issues would come up, or they would pull too many mails and store them on your disk which is not necessary, and you just want to send, not receive.

If you meet any problems, please register it onto Project Issues.

Features and Limitations

For Current Version 1.0


This project is opened source under GPL 3.0 at, while all the rights, including copyright, are reserved by the author, Sinri Edogawa. Main points are listed here.





This project original code (and its generated binary app) would not collect nor record the data from user input. We confirm that the privary of all users should be respected and protected.